In a distant forest, there lived a clever fox and a brave lioness.
The fox always liked to mock others, while the lioness won the respect of all the animals with her strength and wisdom.
One day, the fox saw the lioness taking care of her little cubs and began to tease her: "Look at you, you can only give birth to one child each time, while I can have many little foxes."
The lioness was not angry. Instead, she smiled and replied: "Yes, I can only have one child at a time, but do you know? My child is a strong lion."
The fox was very unhappy with this answer, so he went to find other animals to judge who was right.
Everyone came to an open space in the forest, where the fox explained what had happened. Then he said, "You see, the lioness can only give birth to one little lion each time, while I can have many little foxes. This shows that I am much stronger than her!"
At this moment, the lioness calmly walked to them and said, "I know you are all here, and I have heard what the fox has said. What I want to say is, quantity does not determine everything. What matters is quality. Although I can only have one little lion at a time, my child is a real lion, with great strength and immense courage."
After hearing the lioness's words, all the animals fell silent.
They knew the lioness was right. No matter how many children they had, if they did not have strength and courage, they would not be able to survive.
From then on, the fox never teased the lioness again.
He understood an important lesson: true strength lies not in quantity, but in quality.
This story teaches us that we should focus on inner value rather than outer quantity.