

The Wind And Rain Were Shaking





At the end of the Shang Dynasty, King Zhou's rule became increasingly bad.
He became corrupt and cruel, showing no concern for state affairs.
Seeing this situation, King Wu of Zhou felt that the time was ripe and decided to overthrow King Zhou's rule.
With the help of his younger brother, Duke of Zhou, King Wu successfully defeated King Zhou in a battle called 'Mu Ye' and established the Zhou Dynasty.
However, after King Wu of Zhou passed away, his son Song inherited his position and became King Cheng of Zhou.
As King Cheng of Zhou was still young and the Zhou Dynasty had just pacified the world, the Duke of Zhou feared that other vassals would not be convinced and rise up in rebellion, so he helped King Cheng manage state affairs.
But at this time, some of King Cheng's uncles, such as Guan Shu and Cai Shu, began to suspect that the Duke of Zhou had ulterior motives.
They spread rumors that the Duke of Zhou wanted to seize the throne and joined forces with King Zhou's son, Wu Geng, to rebel against the Zhou Dynasty.
In order to quell the rebellion, the Duke of Zhou led the army to fight against the rebels under King Cheng's orders.
After three years of effort, the Duke of Zhou finally completely pacified the unrest, killed Wu Geng and Guan Shu, and exiled Cai Shu.
After seven years of acting on behalf of King Cheng to handle state affairs, when the political situation of the Zhou Dynasty stabilized and King Cheng grew up and was able to govern the country himself, the Duke of Zhou handed over power to King Cheng and returned to his position as a minister.
According to the records in the 'Golden Teng' chapter of the Book of Documents, after suppressing the rebellions of Guan Shu, Cai Shu, and Wu Geng, the Duke of Zhou wrote a poem called 'Owl' and gave it to King Cheng.
In this poem, the Duke of Zhou used a mother bird who had lost her child as a metaphor for his own feelings, expressing his loyalty to the Zhou Dynasty: 'Owl, owl, you have already taken my child, don't come again to destroy my nest. I worked hard to build the nest and raising the young made me sick. Taking advantage of the fact that the sky has not yet rained, I peeled off the bark of the mulberry root and wrapped it around the gaps in the nest. Now, who among the people below the tree would dare to bully me? For plucking the cattail flowers to pad the nest, my claws are already tired, for gathering and storing dry grass, my mouth is also worn out, but my nest is not yet built. My feathers are messy and sparse, my tail is dry and dull, my nest is swaying on a dangerous branch. It is drifting in the wind and rain, and I can only scream in fear and helplessness!'
Later, the phrase 'shaken by the wind and rain' was simplified to the idiom 'shaken by the wind and rain'.
Originally meaning that the bird's nest on the tree branch was swaying in the wind and rain, it is extended to比喻 a situation or situation that is unstable.